Have you ever dreamed of flying wing-but you have very small. Fortunately the world is full of beautiful hills and green.Sights in wild fresh and comfortable. Use the small hills and beautiful as the jump-scroll down, start untukmengepakkan wings and fly! At least for a moment — until it disrupts the Earth's gravity takes you back to Earth. But the next Hill waiting for you to skip. Watch out for the night and fly as fast as You can. If not, you will only dream again.
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New feature:
-New statistics page (in the pause menu ingame & main menu)
Nest-new page, see den locked You
-Game Center support
-More leaderboards (the longest jarakdemam, cloudtouches ...)
-A new Nest
-play music on its own (now even multitask mode)
-Fever time counter on the screen

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