Diet mp3 Application

Diet mp3 that be application to compress mp3 file appropriate desirable quality. problem moment downloaded song mp3 too big, which is on final must allow one of file mp3 that there at Phone memory must at erase, solve with dieted mp3 this.
superiority diets mp3:
can do compress several files all at once.
compression level that can be chosen appropriate taste and quality. there quality cd, radio, telpon, tape.

Diet mp3 Instalation:

1. Download formerly application diets mp3
2. Run application diets mp33. setting compression level.
4. Setting utput the target to which folder?
5. files input to the browser window
6. click start diet to let program work.
7. finished

process installasi

after finished at download, run setup. exe
recommit run_to_reg.exe .

her You can download the Diet MP3

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