Startup Manager is an application that is comprehensive and easy to mengginakan.
Monitor entries on your android device starup. It shows you at what can application starup runs on the android device starup. With this application you setup easy and happy. starup You can choose what applications and that of your starup starup when device. So the process will be faster starup or you can costumize starup according to your taste.

Product Features Startup Manager:
-Master the Android system startup entry management
-Intelligently analyze and monitor all system startup entries (including system processes and user applications) in the background
-Safe to disable unwanted applications or process of auto-startup
-One click to view detailed properties for each startup entries
-Disabled startup Entries stored for future restoration if you decide You really want to be a previously deleted entry
-Add your favorite applications (including 3rd party applications or user application system) to the system startup
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Download Startup Manager v 3.0

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